The Skylanders franchise is one of the first game series to use the "Toys-to-Life" concept, used by amiibo in a similar manner. It is the second reboot of the Spyro franchise. The first game of the series, Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, was released in 2011. The latest game is Skylanders: Imaginators, released in October 2016.
- Activision wanted to make a deal with Nintendo to make the series exclusive for their consoles, during Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure production. However, Nintendo turned down the deal, and Activision made the game multiplataform.
- This is a coincidence, as Turbo Charge Donkey Kong and Hammer Slam Bowser are exclusive characters for Nintendo consoles.
- Skylanders Imaginators is the second skylanders game that is amiibo compatible.
- The first planned characters are a warrior version of Peach, Fox, and Kirby.
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